Thursday, May 28, 2009

No matter your age, background or where you come from, The Doors music has something to say. Turn up the volume& The Doors will do the rest.

What is it about this band? It doesnt seem to matter whether it came into your life 30 years ago or 30 seconds ago. Their music can transform, take to outer space ANYONE who's ready to receive it.
Just turn up the volume and The Doors will do the rest.
'Celelbration of the lizard' begins with a question:

Is everybody in?
The ceremony is about to begin.

Maybe that's it. Somewhere in this music we are connected to the ceremony. It's no coincidence that the Doors met in a meditation class, and no coincidence that they attended film school together either. Why do you feel more like a witness than a listener when you hear:
The killer awoke before dawn.
He puts his boots on.
Why when you listen to 'My eyes have seen you' you feel like someone's watching you? Why do you think this music is so cinematic? There's a reason Francis Ford Coppola choose to open Apocalypse Now with 'The End'.

Jim Morrison knew the human condition and our propensity to screw things up. Songs like:

Not to touch the earth, not to see the sun nothing left to do but run run run, let's run.

Tell all the people that you see, you tell them they don't have to run, come on and take me by my hand, gonna bury all the troubles in the sun, can't you see the wonder at your feet, your life's complete.

Strange days have found us, the whole stress is greening i guess from sinning, we talk of sin and you know this is it.

These songs will never go out of fashion. How could they?? These songs are not entertaining songs. They're songs about life. This is why these songs have such an effect on us, no matter our age, our background or where we come from. None of that matters once the ceremony begins. When you close your eyes this music will perform its magic; all you have to do is listen.
Its the difference between great art and pure entertainment. Its all well and good to be diverted by a piece of slick entertainment, but The Doors can do that and transform you at the same time. It has nothing to do with business. Everything has to do with art.

'oh tell me where your freedom lies
the streets are fields that never die.
Deliver me from reasons
why you'd rather cry
i'd rather fly'

Freedom. Not merely the lack of responsibility, but real freedom. The kind that only comes in brief flashes of insight.
The Doors have given us something only true artists ever really accomplish.They delivered on their promise to move us, to free us and to make us think.

Forgive the poor old people
who gave us entry, taught us God in the Child's prayer in the night.
The knowledge of cancer - monster of the skin
color connects to create the boat which rocks the race, could any hell be more horrible and real?

'Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as raven's claws'

''We live, we die and death not ends it, we got our final vision by clap, journey we more into nightmare''

'Oh great creator of being grant us one more our to perform our arts and perfect our lives'

''I'll tell you this: no eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn''

It is the ability of The Doors to take us there that separates them from any other band that you know.
'so when the music's over turn out the lights'

So to all of you 'riders' you know what to do: turn up the volume, then turn out the lights. Just let your mind go where the music takes you. Let the magic come inside and don't be afraid to let go everything you have been told.

''Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean
I mean the game called 'go insane
you should try this little game just close your eyes
forget your name,forget the world forget the people
and we'll erect a different steepleTt his little game is fun to do just close your eyes no way to lose
and I'm right here I'm going through release control we're breaking through!''

Is everybody in?

Original article - Jim Ladd

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Leonardo da Vinci: the more you know about him, the less you know about him

Leonardo's wisdom was built on adherence to sound principles. His dedications were not focused inward, not dedicated to arrogance and self seeking.
He wanted answers.

So as to be able to give something of worth to his fellow humans after his passing. This can be said for Newton, Einstein, Socrates also. Their aims were altruistic, a quality of which must great human possess. Having attained such a level of detachment from the more corrupt side of self, many wonderful human attributes come forth.

One of these attributes is called generosity. What better way to spend life than to generously share our accomplishments and achievements with others?
This condition is called 'servitude'.
To share generously with fellow human being could be achieved indeed. Whatever material benefit accrued from this condition of generosity is simply the manifestation of natural law:
one who gives will receive.

When the rains pour the seeds sprout. The sun ceaselessly gives generously of itself and the result in life.
Should the sun decide to be selfish, exist alone and for lorn in the universe? Its very existence is made meaningful by the degree and quality of its generosity.

The greatness of any person then is due to the degree by which the attribute or generosity manifests itself. An apple tree brings forth fruit and out of generosity humans and animals alike thrive.
A fruitless tree is fit for the fire.
A wise painter is he who having achieved a high level of maturity in his art is socially generous with his accomplishments. He has the choice during his own lifetime or past humously.

Success is a very slow and pain taking pocess, often taking almost a lifetime to accomplish. Its seeds are sown in the soil of hard work and dedication without much thought to reward.
To work without thought of reward is a condition of love.
Gone are the days of great discoveries that existed in the time of Leonardo da Vinci, Newton and Einstein. Today we have wrested from mother nature most of her secrets. All those ponderings by Da Vinci were well-guarded.

Secrets of nature. Leonardo wanted to know why and how birds flew, why listening manifested itself before thunder,the why of the ripples in a pond after a small stone had hit the surfase of the waters and many other mysteries did he wish to untravel.

Today, we know the answers to all of Da Vinci wonderings: we have built submarines, flying macchines, dams and all else for Leonardowas simply a sketch on a pad of paper.

What other secrets could mother nature hide from us that we dont already know?

In this new age, the focus has shifted from the external to the internal. The shift has happened so fast that we are confounded andconfused, not knowing which way to go, which way to turn or what our goal in life really is... We have gone from one extreme to another, from an excessive focus on the inward.Nature has been conquered. The 'hunter' instinct has been made worthless and invalid - most of us no longer worry about the next loaf ofbread because the shelves at the supermarket are stocked.
We have entered the age of leisure. A new and sudden condition which evokes much introspection, simply because we might not have found a meaningful purpose. The self has become the central point of focus, the pivot round which all our energy is dedicated; the God we worship. This sudden shift from the enter to the inner has created an imbalance from certainty, from definite purpose to no purpose at all.Our personal value as a significant contribution to the welfare of our community has been stripped from us.
Is it any wonder that many suffer from insomnia, anxiety, procrastination and a hundred other such conditions of dis-ease.

Our modern, large societies have forced us to be introspective because we have been robbed of that self-worth we would have otherwisehad within a smaller, utilitarian community.
This condition has led many to focus so much or the inner ego as if nothing else existed except the self as to exaggerate to monstrals proportions its importance.
Amidst this confusion people attempt finding a balance. The salutary rule worth examining in the nation that a solid foundation could be founded on establishing a balance between the bases instincts pertain and are a past of all humans on this planet, they are part and pancelof the self.

Leonardo wrote:
Man is worthy of praise and blame solely in respect of such actions as it is within his power to do or abstain from.

Little effort need to be extended to allow one's base nature free reign. Praise worthly conduct. However doesnt come free. Effort must be expended to develop good character. The baser instinctsare each and every one of them, conditions lacking goodness for example lying, treachery, arrogance, affectation,selfishness is all qualities originating in the lower nature of a person in the self. Not an ounce of a good has ever come out of the practice of the practiseof such base qualities and they do not require any effort whatsoever.
It is so easy to be arrogant, to lie and so on. But its not easy to do the opposite.
The opposite of lying is truthfulness, of treachery trustworthiness, of arrogance humility, of affectation artlessness, of selfisnessunselfishness.

We may like the vices to darkness and virtues to light.
When you walk into a dark room you turn on the light;
when you walk out you turn off the light.You cannot turn on or off the dark!

The manner of accomplishing a balanced life is to understand that we all have been given the freedom of will to make choices..
Every time you lie regardless whether it is a small white lie, you are giving vent to your lower propensity and therefor cousing yourselfand others harm.
Our choices then are clear: we weither turn the light of goodness on, or remain in the darkness of vices.

The light of goodness can always remain on, if we built our lives or sounds spiritual principle.