Friday, June 26, 2009

Contributing our uniqueness

It is so very precious to be a human... To realize what being a humanbeing trully means is even more amazing. In order to understand the innate nature of human beings, the human kind studies natural sciences and social sciences.

Natural sciences is a little more in the abstract (eg.astronomy, biology) and study the ways in which physical features of natures interact and change.

Social studies is divided in many categories but have a common target: to focus & study social behavior.
  • Sociologists study the influence that society has or every human being.
  • Historians study the significance of people and events of the past have for us today.
  • Psychologists investigate the personality & individual behavior.
  • Anthropologists study cultures of the past & other that remain in existence today & they use this knowledge examine contemporary societies.

All people have one thing in common: they are different.

People are so different but what sense would it make if we were all the same and had the same likes & dislikes?? There would be nothing to discuss or to disent about! This is why we are all unique...

We are all equal. Although few people reach the absolute self- knowledge, it i snevertheless important to know, to be aware of who you are, where you've been and where you wanna go that you can perceive better the world you live in. Awareness of ourselves does our relationship between us & the society more smooth.

Each human has something to contribute. If for a reason the individual doesn't contribute his uniqueness to his fellowmen , this will not be passed to the next generation. The individual may not contribute his uniqueness for many reasons...

Everything starts from the first day that we come to this world & everything is important: our parents, our relatives, our parent's friends that a person is gonna grow up, his school/ university. Many parents rather most parents don't have the necessary time to bring up correctly their children, often becauseof their work. Their children are entrusted to nannies or grandparents.

In my point of view, the child should be brought up from his parents, any other person is a stranger. The parents indeed work very hard nowadays and don't have time to spend with their children or they are too tired to do so. Moreover, grandparents come from a surpassed generation, have different opinions, different beliefs, prejudiced sometimes. So most children don't have the indispensable communication or the attention they need from their parents or they are spoiled.

What we have in our mind, what we learn from our family/ environment/ school/ university generally from the country we live in, our culture, the whole society, our generation is called human experience.

According to Merton, the functions of some institutions are conscious such as education from university & other are unconscious such as socialization in a university. Our society has been improved in many things but in some sectors has been deterioated. Women for example once upon a time used to be thought of as inferior from men & had to serve her husband. In addition, women weren't allowed to wear trousers, it was considered that only men had 'the force' to work & the right to wear trousers. Today all these narrowminded point of views are out of date.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Live & livelihood is 2 sides of the same coin

There are some people who get an intimation of their diseases or even death much in advance.
The reason is that whatever is to take place in the material plane first manifests itself in the immaterial plane and whatever we see and feel by our 5 senses is incoparably small to what we can see or feel by our inner conscience.
Today, modern science has created devices by which we can get to know of diseases much before they manifest themselves in the human body.
There are 5 steps to fuller life & complete personality:
  • Healthy body
  • Healthy mind
  • Healthy thoughts
  • Will power
  • Work efficiency

Its true that the external appearances of a person can make its personality. However, the proper functioning of the nervous and the glands are even more important in the development of a complete personality.

If a person or a child becomes violent for trivial matters then it could be suspected that the sympathetic nervous system is not functioning well.

Perfection in thoughts is an absolute fool proof method to personality development. Determination and will power alone can make an ordinary person a giant personality.

Thinking is not in itself a very big art, instead this is a natural activity of the brain. The main source of energy is the development of will power. An important milestone of personality development is purification of emotions. For purification of emotions should be medicated upon.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The 6 hats of thinking

WHITE HAT: think of a white paper. The white hat indicates an exclusive focus on information. Information available, information needed, information missing.

RED HAT: think of fire and warmth. The red hat asks a person to express his feelings at this moment because later the feelings may change.

BLACK HAT: think of a judge's robes which are usually black.
The black hat is for caution and stops us doing things which are dangerous. The black hat is for critical thinking.
The black hat is the most useful hat but unfortunately is very easy to over use.

YELLOW HAT: think of sunshine and optimism. Under the yellow hat the thinker seeks out the values and benefits. The thinker sees how the idea can be made workable and put into practice.
Without the yellow hat creativity is almost impossible because we would never see the benefits of an idea.

GREEN HAT: think of vegetation, growth, energy, branches, shoots etc. The green hat is the action hat. Under the green hat we put forward alternatives, we seek out new ideas, we modify and change suggested ideas.

BLUE HAT: think of blue as sky and overview. The blue hat is the control hat. The blue hat is also concerned with outcomes, conclusions, summaries and what happens next.

8 different types of intelligence

Logical intelligence: the ability to think logically.
Professions: engineering, maths, science eg.Newton

Linguistic intelligence: the ability to use words and language effectively
Professions: journalist eg. Shakespeare

Visual/ Spatial intelligence:the ability to create vivid mental pictures and images.
Professions: painting, architecture eg.Picasso

Musical/ Rhythmic intelligence:the ability to produce music
Professions: musician, Dj eg.Mozart

Kinesthetic intelligence:the ability to control bodily movements
Professions: athletic, dancers eg.Venus

Interpersonal intelligence: the ability to understand and to get along well with the others.
Professions: counselling, politics eg.Queen Elizabeth

Intrapersonal intelligence:the ability to understand oneself
Professions: philosophy eg.Socrates

Naturalist intelligence: the ability to classify and use the environment.
Professions: farming, gardening, geology eg.Darwin